
February 15, 2012

Geometric Table, Check!

Wednesdays are always fun for us here at Chelsea's Garage- it's the only morning I do not go to the gym! We typically go to a playgroup with some friends, but on this particular day we had to miss out on the fun to do some shopping!
Luckilly, my crew does not mind the car!

Today we drove about an hour, round trip, just to pick up some of this:

Heard of it? Apparently it's all the craze. Soon, I'll be showing you my first piece with chalk paint and I'll let you know if the drive, (and moolah), was worth it!

The main project for today was working on this geometric side table with awesome potential!
A little 'Bayou' paint took it from this:

to this...

and finally, this!

It is now available for sale so if you like what you see, let me know!

This one is for you, Husband. Thanks for lending me the hat, not that you had a choice ;) Go Eagles!

Thank you for stopping by! Tomorrow we'll reveal a finished piece that we've been working on for the past week so be sure to check back in!

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