
March 15, 2012

Antique spoons, chic recycling!

Hey there! Wow, it's incredible how much playing outside for 2 hours in the hot sun with 3 crazy tots can take out of you; I'm giving myself the afternoon off from the Garage to rest on the couch while my babes nap. So, I thought I would share a very simple, cheap and chic DIY project that would probably be useful in any home!

When we moved into our home a year and a half ago we instantly realized we needed an easy access place to hang coats. We have a coat closet but it's not that close to the front door...and with the extra time it takes to get 3 little ones out the door, I hated dealing with hangers. I wanted hooks! Now, some projects around our house were things that I had to research and really think about, but this was one of those rare occassions where an immediate light bulb went off and I knew exactly what we were gonna do.

I already had the white shelf that I was going to use to attach hooks, but I didn't have hooks and I wanted something a little more interesting to look at. Antique spoons! I went to the thrift store and picked up a handful of mismatched beautiful old spoons, bent them and then Husband, (and my bro-in-law), attached them to the shelf, (I was pretty pregnant at the time and no one really liked the thought of me painting, let alone using power tools, hah!)

Voila! A sturdy coat rack, (or baseball caps in the summer, Go Red Sox....or Phillies)

It doesn't bother me in the least to have all of our coats in plain view if it saves me from the hassle of hangers! And I love having a spot right by the door for guests to hang coats/purses as soon as they arrive...I think it invites them to relax and kick back that much sooner. :)

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