
March 1, 2012

~Before/After~French Country Farm Table

Hi everyone! Well, I've been working morning through night, (around taking care of my 3 youngsters), to finish this gorgeous farm table to show you!

Here it is before any work:

I painted 1 coat plus some touch ups of Annie Sloan 'French Linen' Chalk Paint:

Then I clear waxed, distressed the legs and around the edge and clear waxed again, (which REALLY made the distressed areas pop out - so cool!)

The table sat like this for a little while as I needed some time to figure out what to do next. I really liked it this way but  was so curious to see what the dark wax would do. So I dark waxed just the legs:

This poor table was a victim of my indecisiveness several times through it's trasnformation! It sat like this for 2 days while I went back and forth on whether to dark wax the top or not. Finally, with Husbands input, I went for it and started dark waxing the top. Look at this contrast!

This table was a learning experience in it's truest form! After dark waxing the top, I went to work using clear wax to remove some of the dark wax where I thought it was too much. I really wanted the top to look aged and used, but not so rough.

Here's the top after just some evening out of the dark wax:

And finally....after a few days of looking at it, stepping back, and touching up, it's exactly what it was meant to be!

I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of working on this piece. Truly. Seeing it transform just a little bit more each day was such a pleasure. I hope it finds just the pefect dining room to complete.:)

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a fabulous Friday!


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