
April 19, 2012

Please, have a seat!

Hi Friends! Well, despite a delay in my dining seating order, (my client and I just haven't found the *right* chairs for her dining room yet), I've still been busy with some chairs this week! Since selling the Chunky Chair from this post I have had several requests for more like it! I found a great deal for 4 wooden chairs earlier in the week and did two of them in the 'Duck Egg' aqua color. They're a very different style from the previous 'Chunky Chair', but these have some really cool details that make them so unique! After the paint went on I distressed and sealed both in clear wax.

Pair a' Chairs
(click on photos to view larger)

I also had a request from the lovely woman who bought the Sweet Aqua Chair from this post for one in 'barn red', (she's a photographer, how cool!). Whether she's still interested or not it was so much fun to work with such a vibrant color! Definitely a step away from my cooler grays, aquas and whites!

Rustic Charm Chair
(click on photos to view larger)

Before these chairs are claimed maybe I'll sit down and kick my feet up!....oh wait, my kids are up from their naps. Some other day ;)


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