
May 4, 2012

Our place of peace, (if not quiet)

Hi dear friends! Today I want to invite you into our bedroom. I don't think I've shown it to you yet and it is really one of my favorite rooms in the house. Everyone needs a spot in their home, if not a whole room, where they can totally let go and feel themselves relax. Our bedroom is where my mind slows down from overdrive. Because I can retreat to this quiet serene place at the end of the day, I'm okay with my morning downstairs starting like this:

I actually love this. My kids play hard and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's the stage of life we're in right now so why not embrace it....right? (Trust me, some days I feel like I have to talk myself into believing this...) Anyways, a level 5 hurricane in our living room is fine and dandy with me as long as I have this to retire to every evening:

 I really love a transitional decor style of mixing old with new. The whole bedroom set, (bed and both chests of drawers), has been passed down through many generations in my family. I believe my great grandmother was born in the bed! With such 'grand' furniture, I wanted to keep the decor otherwise simple. No bold colors, just light and airy, letting the antique pieces take center stage. The leaning wall shelves were left uncluttered and simple.

 This was one I did a while ago. I replaced the rusty hardware for some strips of linen which I think soften and lighten this otherwise chunky piece.
You can make color on color work when you have a variety of layers and textures, as seen on the bed with white on white.
One of my favorite uses of our bedroom?
Saturday morning cartoons with my favorite people:)

Where is your peaceful spot? What does it look like? I would LOVE to hear!



  1. Love your bedroom! And love the tip about mixing textures on the same color-I never thought of that! We just recently moved so I still feel its not quite set up like 'home' but I love our bedroom. It's double the size of what we had and I love to cuddle up under the blankets after a long day and watch Friends :)

  2. Mmmm, sounds so cozy :) The bedroom is also my favorite place to start when in a new home. Enjoy nesting!
