
August 31, 2012

3 colors, 1 can of paint

Happy Friday, everyone! Before I show you some goodies, I just gotta share something.

Raising kids is hard.

Man, is it hard! To update those who do not know me personally, we now have two almost 3 year olds, (boy girl twins), and a 17mo old son who I fear has no fear. The twins have become so emotional lately! I've heard this is normal for the age of 3. But, I really wasn't prepared. I tend to think of myself as a fairly sensitive person who's emotions can change on a I can totally empathize with my kids, I'm just not sure quite how to handle it! Then there's 17mo old, Mason. Lord, be my strength. He is as innocent and mischievous as they come, if you can imagine the two coinciding in one little person. Mason has not shown any signs of fear yet, (unless you count this morning when I screamed after a HUGE bee I had hit with the fly swatter got back up and flew after me...Mason, startled by my shriek, cried for his life). This past week has reminded me how little my own strength is, and how much the Lord has to give.

In my short time as a momma so far, one of the biggest things I have learned about raising little ones is that every rough patch we hit, the Lord uses it to teach me one more thing about Himself and my kids. And then we come out of those rough times on the other side with a deeper understanding of His love and grace for us...because we are extending love and grace to our children. Not as much as we would like because we are so ridiculously far from perfect. But, we're learning. We will always be learning. Every next stage of our kids' lives is going to be a learning process for us. And learning can be painful sometimes! But, the Lord has been faithful in His promise to take our worries, concerns, weaknesses and troubles upon Himself and replace them with rest. When I worry about how we are doing with raising our kids, I remember that they are a gift from the Lord and He will work in their lives despite our imperfections as parents. So thankful for this gift of peace.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

And thankful for a husband who doesn't question the reasons behind why I'm having a rough day, but embraces me and brings home these:
Aren't they pretty? :)

Now onto the goodies! If you've been following this week you've seen the night stand table and dresser that were done in the same color, different shades. Well, I did one more project in that color but used it as it is; no mixing with anything else.

It's such a saturated, glossy, teal blue that I thought some frames would be a fun way to show off this fantastic color.

And here are this weeks pieces, all done from the same can of paint, displayed together!
It's so fantastic the range of color you can get from one can! A great way to really get your money's worth and have multiple pieces that 'go' but aren't completely the same.
Thank you for reading! Next week I have a client with a very modern vision dropping off an ollllld antique buffet. Ooooh, how exciting! I can't wait to show you the before and after!

1 comment:

  1. Great post honey! Appreciate your honesty, your wisdom and your creative flair.
