
September 17, 2012

Finish landscaping: CHECK

We made another huge check off our to-do list this weekend. The landscaping! Earlier this summer I posted that we would be tearing out all our old overgrown bushes and replacing them with fresh, current ones. Well, it only took about a month and a half longer than we had predicted. HAH! We were definitely over ambitious! It didn't help that I broke my foot and was essentially useless for quite some time over this process. But, my husband is The Man and got most of it done with his own two hands.

You may remember these pictures from a while back, after my Dad and Matt pulled all our old bushes out:

Almost 6 weeks later, we've got this to come home to:

Everything is so young that our plants are still a bit small and spaced apart, but we look forward to watching our garden fill in and bloom with color and fragrance! It feels wonderful to finally have the outside and the inside of our home mesh together and reflect our style and personality. And I have to give my Matt all the credit. His were the hands behind this makeover and I am so, so grateful for his work on this!

And after a very hard working weekend on both our parts, I am happy to report that we were all still in our pjs as of 11am on Sunday.:)
Oh. Yeah. That's good stuff right there.:) 
This kid was hard at work, too, apparently. Found 3 brand new teeth that completely cut through over the week, and we didn't even know it! No wonder last week was misery!
In the coming weeks I will be working on a larger project than I have ever done before, and I am so excited to share the details with you....soon! ;)
Thank you for stopping by!


  1. It's beautiful! Such a wonderful feeling to have that done:) Water, water, water (but not tomorrow - rain's a comin') Love you pud.

  2. I really like this photo of you and Mason!
