
November 10, 2012

And the winner is....

We've got a winner, folks! For those of you who entered the giveaway for the year subscription to House Beautiful, thank you so much for participating! I'm excited to get to share this monthly treat with one of you!

Without further adieu, the winner is...


Congratulations, Dale! I hope you enjoy your monthly issue as much as I do! Please contact me at with the address you wish your issues to be sent to. Thanks again for participating!

The November 17 sale is coming up fast! I will be open in Herndon, VA from 10am-4:30pm that day. Please spread the word to anyone who might be interested and come on by to look around! Contact me if you need the address. Stay tuned here at the blog for a little 'sampling' of what will be available :)

Thank you for stopping by!


1 comment:

  1. Well, my goodness! I am so surprised! I just don't win things! Your post made me realize I certainly SHOULD become a member, since I really enjoy all your ideas! What an added bonus--to win this prize. I will truly love receiving this, and will think of you with every issue that arrives. Thank you Chelsea! Good luck with the sale on November 17th!
