
November 21, 2012

On a whim...

...I decided to make a gallery wall in our dining room!

It is something I have seen over and over again in magazines and have wanted to have somewhere in my home, but just didn't know the right spot. Then it dawned on me last night during a silly dinner with my husband, (whom I adore), and our 3 little ones, (who had us roaring laughing), that the dining room can be the most personal, real, spot on one's home. We share so many conversations around our dining table, both seriously important and ridiculously goofy. Tons of laughs. We've watched our children grow day by day, from one meal to another in our dining room. We've shared sweet memories with good friend and visiting family members there. It suddenly just felt like the most obvious, perfect spot for a fun gallery wall! And I didn't want to just throw anything up on the wall. Sure, we've got tons of pictures, letters, cards, etc that I could have used. But I hunted down each and every one of these items, specifically for our wall.

{A sweet 'thank you' from my sister a few years ago}

 {My favorite picture of my twins, Colin and Shire, at 1yr old}

{An old photo of a great, great uncle, given to me by my Grandma Livi, and a favorite wedding photo}

{A photo of my husband and me, BC, (before children), and my favorite photo of my husband as a baby with his sister and father}

{Photos of my little ones from Fall 2011. They look so different now, but why put up pictures of what they look like now? I can see them every day. I love seeing 'old' photos of them as I hold memories of those 'early days' close to my heart}

{Handmade doilies, passed down from my Grandma Livi, and some beautiful hardware I removed from a piece a while ago and just couldn't get rid of}

There you have it! Our gallery wall :)

Don't forget about the vintage holiday sign giveaway going on until Sunday, November 25! Click here for details and to enter!

Thanks for stopping by! Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


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