
January 10, 2013

Thrift store decorating

"All objects, once held, have a memory or story of where, when, 
and who you were with when you found them.
You are the curator of your collections: 
edit, be selective, picky, or accommodating.
These are the objects that make sense to you."
"A collection doesn't need to be justified..."
Sibella Court, Stylist and fellow Bowerbird :)

I wouldn't call myself a collector of anything. I am never searching for a particular kind of object or brand over and over again. But when I walk into a thrift store, I feel like I automatically put on a specific lens through which I see things. My eyes always hit things that are teal or aqua - always - and then things that are just simply unique and interesting to me. Whether it be an object that's just perfectly aged or a piece of pottery in cool, earthy tones, I like what I like and sound like an idiot when trying to explain why, (just ask my sweet husband). Anyway, it never takes long at a thrift store. I am in and out within minutes, either empty handed or with a handful of items, (and my three usually patient little ones). It feels simple now; to walk in and use my special 'sifting' lens, quickly determining objects worthy or unworthy of a ride home with us...worthy or unworthy of their $2.95 price tag. No matter the outcome in the end of a quick thrift store run, I always start the same way - with expectations reigned in tight.

This week my expectations were exceeded.

Kicking things off:
I saw this Ikea rug on my way out of the thrift store the day before, but since I had gotten my kids' momentum heading out the door, there was really no turning back to check it out. I drove back first thing in the morning the next day, checked the price, leaped for joy, then brought it home for our bedroom. Our bedroom started off super light and airy when we first settled in, but lately I've been wanting to shake things up with a few snaps of black here and there. We are also quite fortunate to have a bedroom set which has been passed through at least 4 generations, (as far as I know). The pieces are grand and masterful in every way. Without wanting to take away from their magnificence, I've been adding a few modern touches in our bedroom which I think set the right balance of old and new.

I block printed these lampshades last fall and it's one of my favorite improvements on our bedroom! How-to here.

Next find of the week: 
These 4 solid oak dining chairs. Sturdy as can be, the size I have been looking for, and I was completely taken with the natural lines and 'pattern' of the wood. Plus, they are SO rustic - a quality that has really appealed to me lately. Bigger plus, they were cheap. And I mean dirt cheap. The dining chairs that match with the table are beautiful, but the upholstered seats were embarrassingly dirty after each meal with the little ones.  Without fabric seats, I can simply wipe them clean without pulling out all the stops to remove such stains as strawberries and marinara sauce. **Mom, I'm going to clean the bejeebers out of those upholstered seats and store them for you in case you ever want them again!**

And then: 
This cool tea light holder, (the glass star like sculpture). It's just interesting to me. Someday I may use it as it was meant to be, but today I like it simply on display on an old/new bookshelf that I'll show you soon!

What got the ball rolling: 
An old teal bookend. It looks like it's seen better days with all the nicks and chips, but I didn't even think twice when I added it to my bag. It is so perfectly imperfect. It's the first object I grabbed this week and if my luck stopped there, I would have been ever so content.

What made me stop and think a sec: 
This black wire basket. It had absolutely nothing wrong with it and I've been looking for some interesting, somewhat rustic looking baskets lately. Picked it up. Put it back, then picked it up and didn't stop until I got to the register. I think this is one of those things that will get used a different way when I want a change on a whim.

Once I reached the register:
I found this opened bag of pine cones and nuts. So out of season, but I liked the earthy colors. The green glass bowl was another steal that I didn't hesitate to take. I've really never seen anything like it. It's stunning!

What a week! Aside from some great luck at the thrift store this past week, I also did some pretty major rearranging in our living room. A post on that later :)

Thank you so much for reading!


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