
February 18, 2013

Color huntin'

Hey there! In case you missed it last week, I thought it would be fun to do a little color challenge with you all! See this post for all the details, (or click the color challenge link to the left), but basically, you choose one new color to incorporate in some way, shape or form into your home. Take the next couple months to think about how you want to use your chosen color, then enjoy the hunt! Early April I will invite all who have accepted the challenge to email me photos of how they've used their color and I will post all photos here! It can be one small detail in which you've used your new color or a whole room painted over! It's all up to you :)

If you are even remotely interested in trying this but on too tight a budget to shop for new home decor items, I feel you. We recently celebrated reaching our new budget goal for grocery and home products, (cleaning supplies, diapers, wipes, etc), and I'm not about to blow that out of the water with unnecessary home decor spending. It is amazing to me what you can find if you keep your eyes peeled and your heart patient. Let me show you some of the things I have found recently between thrift stores, antique shops and etsy:


This old grain sack will make an excellent pillow for our couch!
Found at Lucketts Antique Store

This coral and white stripe removable wallpaper was tucked behind a bookshelf at Goodwill. I actually pinned a very similar wallpaper on Pinterest to put up on the back of a tall bookshelf in our Living Room. The wallpaper I pinned would have cost $40 before shipping, (for a very small quantity). There were 4 large rolls priced at $1.96ea at Goodwill. I bought 2!

Six coral scalloped dessert plates found at Goodwill for around 50 cents ea. Planning to hang them on a wall in our Living Room!

Print of Boston's Louis Warf also found at Goodwill for less than $4. Love the touches of aqua and coral in this scene, but mostly I love that it reminds me of the last vacation my husband and I had together before our children were born. We had the most amazing road trip up to Boston and spent a whole week just enjoying one another and the beautiful city.

Coral table runner found at Etsy shop, Floratouch, for less than $10. Think this will really be a wonderful element to flow the color from Living room to Dining room. Etsy can be a great source for quality made items at a very decent price. When searching for something particular it can be overwhelming when you have hundreds of shops making the same thing. I always start by plugging in my max price to narrow the search. And many shops have regular sales where they mark particular items way down.

Found a few more goodies last weekend at my trusty Goodwill that I can't wait to show you soon! 

So what do ya say? Will you accept the color challenge? 
The fun is in the hunt!

Thank you for stopping by!


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