
February 11, 2013

Color my World Challenge!

I am completely stealing this idea I saw a year ago from Shaunna over at Perfectly Imperfect but it looked too much fun not to share! I really don't know if you who read this little blog will actually be interested in joining along so this post is just a feeler to gauge interest. No pressure, (really)!

The other day I mentioned that I will be taking the next couple months to welcome the color coral into our home. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed all the little ways one can incorporate a new color for 1) really cheap and 2) a lot of impact. It really doesn't take much! Then I got to thinking; how fun would it be to do this as a group?! So here's the deal:

Each person who wants to join in picks a color - one color, any color - so long as it is not a color that is currently taking center stage in your home. Take the next couple months to consider how and where you want to incorporate your color. It can be high impact or hardly any impact at all. How much you want to use your color of choice is totally up to you. Beginning of April I would invite all who have joined in this challenge to email me a before picture of their space and an after picture with their chosen color. This need not cost much or anything - there are some really fun DIY projects I've come across just in my own research!

Whether it's a DIY or a found treasure, here are some examples of ways to incorporate a new color:
Throw blankets:

Accent Pillows:

Drinking glasses:

Painted frames:

Area rugs:
{Be Colorful via House Beautiful}


Painted furniture:

Or even just hardware:

Dress a window:

Or cluster some homemade art:

Are you in??? If you're feeling inspired to join in this Color my World challenge, please message me at and let me know what your color of choice is, (any color at all and multiple people may choose the same color). Then enjoy hunting for your color in this great big world!

If you did not catch the previous post, I am asking for your help in supporting a wonderful ministry called AHOPE for Children. AHOPE works to save the dear lives of those young children who are affected by and infected with the aids virus in Ethiopia. I've organized a fundraiser right now for AHOPE for Children which will go until March 3, when I will be running the Reston 10 miler on their behalf. Please share the fundraiser link with your friends so AHOPE may have the best opportunity to be supported by those who wish to help!

Link found here!

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. I'm getting an apartment soon! My color is TBD but I will SO do this! Yay!

    1. So excited for you!!! I hope this is a fun challenge - can't wait to hear your color!
