
February 1, 2013

Let's be real

We were given the pleasure of a couple 70 degree days this week that called us outside from breakfast til dinner, (with a break for nap time, of course...oh precious nap time)! The fresh air and warm sun were just the break we needed; a sweet gift of rejuvenation. But, when the outdoors are not as welcoming, we bide our time best as we can indoors. And let me tell ya; it ain't a pretty site sometimes.

The kids get faster at making mess...

...and slower at cleaning it up.

But, it doesn't really bother me. 

The long days of winter spent inside urge them to work their wild imaginations

And pushes mine along, too.

I am a full time stay at home Momma with 3 toddlers. 
This is my reality.
And someday I'm gonna miss it.

I know this isn't the eye candy that would have been fun for a Friday, but I thought I'd take a minute to be real. And if your home looks anything like mine, that maybe you'd appreciate my honesty :)

Back to eye candy next week :) Have a happy weekend!



  1. love this post, chelsea! it's perfection. in every way.

    1. So sweet, Carissa - thank you! I think reality is far more beautiful than I realize often times. On another note, I just had an explosion of memories spending time with you at YL camp and it made me miss those days and miss you. Love following your blog and getting a little glimpse of what you're up to these days!

  2. This is so adorable. I love it!!! Even a chic home has its messy days :)
