
February 25, 2013

Quickest party decorating idea ever!

Hey everyone! Hope you had a fabulous weekend! We threw a little birthday shin-dig at our house for my brother and I learned a really fun party decorating trick that I couldn't wait to share! You know those paper lanterns that are all over the place? We were given some a year or so ago by a friend and I've hung them up for every birthday party we've held here, but this time I decided to just keep it simple and kept the lanterns flat!

Don't they look cool together?! 
The big white ones on the ends were another thrift store score last weekend for less than $2 ea!
They were unused, unopened from Ikea!

The Happy Birthday banner I made for a special birthday party for my Mom 3 years ago. It has now been hung for 14 different birthdays, I believe, (including one in Florida) - and is still in great shape! Made from cereal box cardboard, silver ribbon, ivory crepe paper, and glitter glue.
Hanging it is one of my favorite birthday traditions now :)

Why bother gathering and displaying balloons when they're fun enough to kick around on the floor!
A fun treat for little ones, (and keeps them out of trouble at a party)!

Anyway, I just wanted to pass along the easiest party decorating idea I've ever stumbled upon.

Thank you for stopping by!


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