
March 8, 2013

Treasures from Lititz

Hello, hello! I don't tend to go a whole week without posting, which usually means one of two things: I'm either working hard...or hardly working. This past week it was a beautiful combination of both! While I have been extremely busy finishing up both custom orders and 'free style' pieces in the garage, I took a short little break from blog-land. It's amazing how refreshing a week off from posting can be. I have about two hours a day, give or take, while my little ones nap in the afternoon  which I use to get as much painting done as I can in the garage. Then I have to find little bobs of time here and there to write up blog posts. I never dreamed how much I would love writing, but sometimes it's challenging to follow a train of thought through intermittent diaper changes or potty runs, playing hide and seek (again), cooking, serving, and cleaning up from a meal, finding a particular car or a rogue plastic high heel. You get the point. A lot of you have been there, are there, or will be there someday. No matter what phase of life you are in right now, I am sure you can all relate to just needing a change of pace every now and then. This week we did just that and it was lovely.

What else is lovely are family heirlooms. There is something so completely magical about holding an object in my hands that has been held by several generations before me. And I love the challenge of using/displaying these objects in our home in a way that reflects our taste and style.

Just this week my husband's grandparents came for an overnight visit - and they didn't come alone. They brought antique antiques!! They downsized a couple years ago and I think they are still uncovering some of the mysterious boxes buried deep from their old home, (which they still own). It's such an honor for me that Grandma would think of giving me any of these objects and I am so excited to use them in our home!

Treasure one:
Antique cuff links and tie clip. They all have an iridescent pearly finish. So beautiful!

Treasure two:
Vintage Ball mason jar tinted aqua, just like the ones I fancied on the cover of Flea Market Style!

Treasure three, (my favorite):
Yards and yards of antique homespun linen. 
This fabric dates back past a great-grandma, more likely a great-great grandma. 
The feel of it is exquisite. I am totally eating my heart out!

I feel entrusted with these objects; it's a precious responsibility to use them tastefully and take good care of preserving their quality. With a bit of creativity I think there is a spot in our home for each of these treasures. Stay tuned to find out where they go!

In other news, I want to thank Christen over at Blue Egg Brown Nest for choosing my door-turned-bench entry to win her vintage-love linky party yesterday! If you're not familiar with linky parties, (I wasn't until a couple weeks ago), it's a great way for anyone, (you don't have to have a blog or website), to share a picture of a recent project they're proud of. Check out Blue Egg Brown Nest every Thursday and enter a photo of a refinished piece of furniture, a fun vintage find, or an interior, and check out what other crafties have been up to!

ALSO, the next Chelsea's Garage sale is coming up! I am narrowing down some dates in April or early May so be sure to look for that announcement soon!

Have a splendid weekend! Thank you so much for stopping by!


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