
April 17, 2013

Rod iron set, this way and that

Whew! It's busy time guys. Big time. We've been outside non-stop working, (and playing), in the yard, and I've been on a roll in the garage finishing up some of the last pieces before the big sale coming up on May 4.

This set was a recent find that I just couldn't leave alone. I didn't snag it right away as I tend to shy away from matching sets, but I found myself checking in to see if it was still available, week after week. A sign? I think so.

I picked up this set not just because of the cool rod iron and planked table tops, but because I saw a lot of versatility in this group. I gravitate towards pieces that I can see arranged in various ways with multiple functionality.

These pieces will be available at the May 4 sale, but for the fun of it I photographed them in two different ways in our home just to show off a bit of their versatility. 

Set up ONE: 
Using the coffee table as a coffee table and the end tables as end tables, (I only photographed one of the end tables but there are two).

Always a sucker for basket storage!

I love it when a piece is already perfectly distressed when it falls into my hands.

I spy a boy.

Set up TWO:
Using the two end tables side by side as a coffee table and the coffee table outside as a bench.

So there ya have it - a 3 piece set that can go several different directions. How fun is that?! All pieces available for sale on Saturday, May 4.

For this set I painted on a thick coat of Paris Grey ASCP and then a thin, dry-brushed layer of Old White ASCP. All the nicks and divots were appreciatively there when I first layed my eyes on these. I don't know who to thank for those but if you're out there, well done!

This post is linked up to Blue Egg Brown Nest

~You, (and your bffs), are invited to the Chelsea's Garage Spring Sale!~
Saturday, May 4
Herndon, VA
(contact me at for the address)

What you can expect: 
-Complimentary refreshments
-Norah Jones, (probably not in person, but I'll work on it)
-One, two, or three of my children making an appearance if you're lucky
-My husband making an appearance if you're really lucky
-Oh yes, and lots of gorgeous, one-of-a-kind pieces all ready for a good home

Are you getting tired of seeing that at the end of each post yet? :)



  1. Gee I don't know which setup I like most!

    1. That's the beauty of it - you can change your mind!
