
May 28, 2013

Early Stages of Decorating series

~All pieces available for sale can be found here~

I have been wanting to share a home decorating series with you all for a while now, but every time I get close to starting I lose the confidence. The only thing that holds me back is knowing that I am not a natural expert home decorator. I have no education in decorating, no natural eye or gift, and have learned much through trial and error.

I am simply a stay at home Momma who had something of a re-birth after I had my babies and moved into our first home. I did not grow up entirely interested in home decorating, though I had a front row seat watching my own Mom work her magic room by room in our home growing up. There's always been an elevated interest and urge to be creative, however. When we moved here into our first home, all those creative juices just funneled into making our house our own. I poured over books and magazines, keeping a file of ideas and pictures as I collected. There was this whole world of home decorating that I'd never given a single thought to, and all of a sudden I was completely submerged, wanting to learn as much as I could.

The absolute most helpful piece of literature that I actually read cover to cover was Domino, The Book of Decorating. I would recommend anyone just beginning their process of decorating, (or redecorating), to purchase this book for themselves. I'm going to take the month of June to walk through the Getting Started section of the book, as I found that so incredibly helpful, (and still do)! I hope this series can be a useful source for those out there who are just starting out, or perhaps wanting a change and aren't quite sure where or how to begin. While the book is such a great resource, I will also add some tips that I've learned through personal experience which I think compliment the information in the book well.

I still feel a bit nervous about doing this because I know there are so many talented people out there, professional or non, who have a true knack for decorating. To those that do, pay no attention to this humble series. If you are anything like me and just learning as you go, my desire is that this may be helpful to you in some way. It sure was for me!

I'm not sure yet how many posts will be in this series but I am thinking of trying to consolidate to 4 and posting each Monday in June. Seems like a good plan but as life happens, things may be adjusted :)



  1. Yay I am excited for this! I could def use some helpful starting out tips :) I'll be checking the blog eagerly during this series :)

    Becca Berlin

    1. Just what I needed to hear, Becca! Thanks for the encouragement!
