
May 16, 2013

My cozy auto-shop chair

~All pieces available for sale can be found here~

Ok, here's the thing. If you are passionate about refinishing furniture then you probably notice furniture everywhere. Sometimes it's not even a conscious effort to find furniture; it's just there.

This is basically how I came about a battered, bug crawling chair a few weeks ago. I, (and my 3 toddlers), had to go get our van inspected and while we were waiting outside, (picking a bazillion dandelions), I noticed this tattered chair up against the concrete wall of the building. I noticed it because of the wood. It was perfection. Gray and textured from spending who knows how long outside. The seat was a mess, as you can see, and the entire thing was covered in cobwebs. But it was solid as a rock. When I inquired about this chair upon check-out I'm pretty sure the guy had no idea what I was talking about, so we took it for free!

I didn't get a before before picture. This was after a good scrub and hose down. But the seat speaks for itself. You can't see the colony of stinkbugs that were occupying that tattered cushion at the time of this picture. Grossness. 


I replaced the seat and cushion completely. Not only was the original in pretty hopeless shape, I didn't want to risk bringing any stinkbugs inside!

The fabric is so soft. Not sure what it is, but when I touched it I grabbed it and checked out, (JoAnns).

This little reading chair is just the first of a few changes I'm making in our room. It'll be a bit of a process as I swap a few things around and get a few pieces painted, (not the bedroom suite, Grandma Livi, not to worry!). I'll share pictures once it's done but until then just know that it's really coming together beautifully in my head ;) 

Tomorrow is a new painting technique reveal, (if I can get decent pictures in time!), and an exciting event happening this coming weekend for local friends!

Thank you for reading!


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