
June 13, 2013

Life Happening: Our week in pictures

~All pieces available for sale can be found here~

Hello, weekend. Missed ya.

A week ago my Matt and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary with a wonderful date night out in downtown Arlington....wonderful until my shoe broke during our (long) walk back to our car. 
It went from sweet and romantic to downright hilarious! It was a talking shoe!
(I had those shoes since high school! It was a good run. RIP old friends)

Then I was humored again just watching Dad and daughter go at it with their corn on the cob during my birthday cookout.

The first task of the week was making paper airplanes to finish off our little guys' room.

Watched the boys play (in the sprinkler)....

...while the girl created. <3

Made breakfast for dinner during a wild storm we had one evening
- cuz nothing says safe and cozy like waffles :)

Caught our breath at a cafe after a morning of errands
Got my iced coffee and the little ones got my homemade pumpkin-banana bread.

My oldest by a minute, but my oldest nevertheless.

My, how they've grown. 
Combined weight at birth = 8lbs 14oz. Combined weight now = almost more than I can carry! Almost.

Have a wonderful weekend and happiest Father's Day to all the fine men doing one of life's most special jobs.


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