
July 24, 2013

Royal blue parlor chairs

I couldn't help myself. This set of 4 turn-of-the century blue velvet parlor chairs just seemed like an appropriate project for this week as the exciting news of a little prince made its way across the pond. 

These chairs came with the blue velvet loveseat that I posted last week and are upholstered in the same fabric.


I painted two thick coats of Paris Grey and dry-brushed a thin coat of Old White, both by Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. See my dry-brushing tip at the end of this post.

{Available for sale as a set of 4 at $400, or pairs of 2 at $240}

Painters tip:
Dry-brushing is a great way to achieve a weathered, layered look with your paint. Make sure your first color goes on thick. Then for your top color, just dip the very tip of the brush in the paint and wipe off the excess across the edge of the paint can. Cover small areas at a time with your brush, moving back and forth swiftly and evenly.

Thank you for reading!


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