
July 16, 2013

Victorian Love

I received an amazing gift...


The story on this piece is short and very sweet. My brother has fallen in love and will be marrying an amazing girl next January. Her parents, who are moving, very generously gave me some pieces from their home to do what I please. Every piece which they have given be will be available for sale upon completion, (including this Victorian loveseat). Whatever is made on each piece will be given to my brother and his fiance as a wedding gift. Matt and I were very blessed, (and continue to be), by the support of our family, especially early on in our marriage. It is a dear pleasure to be able to pay that support forward in this way.

The secret to a crisp, clean paint job on a superbly upholstered piece? B-L-U-E  T-A-P-E! So many curves and so many details to keep protected. I used my fingers and very gently tucked the tape in, ever so slightly, wherever I could. Also, paint slow. Very slow. No quick brush strokes. Be patient and use appropriately sized brushes for different areas. I am very relieved to say that I did not get a single spec of paint on the fabric, but if I had, I kept a bowl of cold water and a dry cloth within reach so I could very quickly remove the paint. Grateful it didn't come to that on this job!

Victorian pieces are all about details...

{This loveseat is now available for sale at $1,995}

Thank you for coming by!


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