
August 1, 2013

A beautiful necklace to help a beautiful baby girl

Hi there! So much of what I write about on here is under the furniture refinishing/home decor umbrella. Now and then I include some highlighted family shots from our week, but I rarely write about Life Happening. Well, for some dear friends of ours from our early marriage, BC, (Before Children), Virginia Beach days, life happened. Big time.

Their 3 month old daughter, Ellia, suddenly stopped eating. After she stopped interacting with her usual coos and giggles and became lethargic, her parents, Tim and Emily, took her to the hospital. After a nightmare of tests and scans, her doctors finally pinpointed the beast that had taken over her little body: Botulism.

Infant Botulism occurs when a baby ingests bacteria that multiply and produce a deadly toxin in the body. Once the toxin has taken over the body, paralysis sets in disabling movement of face, limbs, and causing difficulty in swallowing and breathing. Because Infant Botulism is so rare, less than 100 cases in the United States each year, the antitoxin treatment is not readily available. Little Ellia had to be intubated and put into a medically induced coma while awaiting the antitoxin to travel to her, (in Virginia Beach), from California.

The ordeal was extremely scary for Ellia's sweet parents and family, but God answered the thousands of prayers for Ellia very quickly - she is already on the road to recovery, much to the amazement of her doctors who expect her to do very well in the long run. Praise the Lord!!!

So, now the Petersen family is facing $50,000 in medical expenses. (!!!) There are dozens of fundraisers going on to help these dear folks cover the extreme financial burden, including donated profits from this necklace by Premier Designs:

The proceeds from this beautiful $24 'Token of Love' necklace will be donated to the Petersen family to help ease this financial blow. My prayer for them now is that they can bask in the miraculous recovery of their baby girl whom they feared losing forever, and be free from worry over this major financial burden. 

Ordering this necklace is very easy! Email Lindsay, (the Premier Design rep who has organized this fundraiser), at with your address and email, (or you can contact me). And she will email you an invoice with the simple instructions to make a secure online payment.

Even the box is fun! What a great gift idea, too!

Praying for you, Ellia! 
Your parents are some of the best we've had the pleasure of knowing and we hope to meet your sweet smiling face someday!
*Not interested in a necklace? Here are some more fundraisers going to help this precious family!


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