
September 9, 2013

Dippin' into color

Hi guys! Today I wanted to share about a recent trend that I've had mixed feelings about; color dipping. It's a painting technique that I've seen used on small items such as mixing spoons, to larger pieces of furniture.

I like it much better on the spoons than on that chair. I see that chair and just feel like it's incomplete. Ha! 

Nevertheless, it is a trend that is hard to ignore right now, especially in my line of work with refinishing furniture. I love seeing other techniques being done even if they're not my personal style. 

I decided to give color dipping a try for myself. Even though I've been mixed about the look, the technique itself still seemed fun! I may not have tried it if I didn't have just the perfect piece: A bamboo and metal plant stand that I got from Goodwill over 3 years ago and never really used. It occupied a couple lonely corners of our home here and there until settling nicely into the garage for the last year or so to collect cobwebs.

I had always thought this bamboo plant stand would be much more functional if converted to a couple nesting tables. So I grabbed a hand saw and cut it down to size. After making my cuts, I took the legs off and spray painted them flat white by Rustoleum. Then I reattached the legs, measured how high I wanted my paint to go, and blue taped at the marks.

I brushed on a natural soft green for the 'dipped' color. And guess what? I really like these new little nesting tables!

{Now available for sale. $45 for the pair}

Anyone out there hot or cold on color dipping? I've warmed up to it.:) 

Thanks for stopping by! Coming up tomorrow is a refinished roadside find from last week.



  1. LOVE these little tables! The color dipping worked out really well for them!
    xoxo Becca
