
September 23, 2013

Pretty Painted Pumpkins

I brought home this lot of fake pumpkins from 
Michaels last week...

small ones got rubber banded...

blue taped some stems...

pulled out my favorite chalk paints by Annie Sloan...

and started painting!

Hello, Fall. Nice to see you again.

Thank you for stopping by!



  1. Hi Chelsea-- You are inspiring me! I am almost ready to paint my childhood furniture, which was Laura's and then Emily's furniture... you have given me the inspiration to tackle it! Thanks for allowing your creative juices to spill over and bless others.
    Love you! Aunt Lynda P.S. Do you have a cleaning product that you use to clean old furniture before painting or do you just wipe it down with a damp cloth?

    1. Hi Aunt Lynda! I just use a damp-with-water cloth. You'll have to send me pictures when you're done! What a fun project.:)
