
September 22, 2014

Style Mutt is up!

Guess what, guys?! StyleMutt is alive and kickin'! We're leading off with a brand new post over there today! Cate and I have what we feel is a great base for our new site and we've decided to go ahead and run with what we've got!  We look forward to adding on some fun new features over the next few months, but we think what we've got now is a great start that will allow guests to get to know their way around. 

So, this means that Chelsea's Garage will no longer be our operating site. I will leave this last post up for a while to help avoid any confusion, but from now on we'll be posting and sharing on StyleMutt! 

In this last post on Chelsea's Garage, I wanted to share a short piece from our About section on StyleMutt. It's taken me a while to be able to articulate why I feel that any of this is important. With all that is going on in the world around us, why does any of this matter? Why spend the time? Here's my personal answer: 'I believe we are made in our Creators image and are wired to enjoy the process of creating. I'm not an educated designer and have quite a buried archive of bad DIY projects-gone-wrong, but the one, true thing that never changes is that I feel a great sense of peace and closeness with our Lord when I’m using my mind and working with my hands. Joy is always present when I’m creating and I hope it is for you as you explore StyleMutt.'

I cannot thank you all enough for your enthusiasm and encouragement with Chelsea's Garage over the last few years. You've been so kind and I feel humbled anytime someone expresses even the slightest joy in following along. It's a bittersweet time, indeed, but you all have helped this transition from Chelsea's Garage to StyleMutt be a fun and exciting time. Thank you, thank you.

I'll see you over at StyleMutt! :)

Thank you, as always, for stopping by!


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