
March 10, 2012

Dresser with a Surprise!

Hi All! Yesterday I mentioned a fun little dresser that I've been working on and today I finished it! When I saw this at the thrift store several weeks ago I almost walked by it without giving it a second look. I had just refinished a 4 drawer dresser of similar proportions and was looking for something a little different. I don't know why, but I started pulling open the drawers. The second one startled me when it fell open completely! As I pulled the drawer out it revealed the sweetest little writing desk!!!

This dresser/writing desk found itself a buyer before I even had a chance to refinish it, which put this person in the fun position of getting to choose the color and finish!
They requested gray with a shabby distressed finish.

This might be my favorite find of all so far - and to think I almost walked right by it!

We said goodbye to a few favorite pieces today as they went to a new loving home, but we've brought in a few new ones, too, which I am looking forward to showing you soon! It feels like we've got a good flow of pieces coming in and pieces going out now and we're just rolling right along. Thank you for following what's going on here at Chelsea's Garage and for your words of encouragement! They mean a lot :)



  1. Hi Chelsea!
    The desk looks great! Can't wait to pick it up. You may here from my friend who is looking for some furniture. I directed her to your blog.

    1. I'm so glad you like it, Suzanne! Everyone who sees it comments right away on how fabulous it will look in a bedroom. Thank you for the referral to your friend. I have quite a collection ready for the March 31 sale; now I just need a lot of foot traffic coming through :) I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!
