
March 11, 2012

A little peek into my world

Hello, hello! What a gorgeous day we had! Unfortunately, we completely forgot about the time change and ended up waking up half an hour before church was going to start. Back in the day, BC, (Before Children), we could have hauled butt and probably made it...these days there's no choice to be made. With 3 kids under 3, it's just not gonna happen. But, that's okay. We ended up having a fun day together and got to spend some time soaking up the warm, sunny weather!

There is little more I'd like to do on a nice day than hang out with this crowd:

We have 2 year old twins, Colin and Shire, who are very good friends and keep us laughing almost all the time, (almost).

When they were 8 months old we got the surprise of our life when we found out we were expecting another little one. Now our wild man, Mason, is 11 months old and trying his hardest to keep up with everyone, (and he does)!

And last, but not least, my Husband and hired heavy lifter and repair man, Matt. I am one blessed lady to have the love, support, and encouragement of this very special person. He has the incredible gift of patience and hardly says a word when I change the furniture around for the 3rd time in a week, or when I interrupt him doing something far more important just to ask his opinion on a paint color or to help me move a heavy piece.
(there is no time for a haircut)

Our stage of life right now is a busy one. We had 3 children in less than 17 months by the age of 26. Not what we were expecting. But, God has provided for all of our needs and then some! And, we think we lucked out with some pretty awesome kiddos.

That being said, it is absolutely necessary for me to have an outlet in my life that has nothing to do with motherhood. Finding old, unwanted pieces and then giving them new life with a coat of paint is thrilling for me! It's an absolute dream to be able to stay home with my kids but also have a little business right out of my garage doing something I love. My time in the garage working and painting ultimately helps me be a better Momma. I am so grateful to the Lord for the blessing of our home, kiddos, each other, and the opportunity to have this little business on the side. And I am so grateful to you for joining me for the ride!



  1. i love stalking your blog and seeing all the pieces you work on, chels. and this post was such a lovely and welcome look at your life and beautiful family :) miss you all! <3 becca

    1. Thank you, Becca! We miss you too and are SO excited for you :) Love you!

  2. What a fantastic blog, Chelsea. I'm impressed with how you're balancing motherhood and a thriving business built around your talents and passions.
