
June 13, 2012

A bittersweet rearrangement

Well, the time has come. I no longer have baby babies anymore, (they will always be my babies). I have toddlers. What does this mean for me? Redecorating :) It dawned on me the other day that our little guy, Mason, now 14 months, is constantly running into his brother and sister's room because they have all the cool stuff. Toys, books, fun stuff. What did his room have? The Rocking Chair. The Rocking Chair that I sat in every day/night for almost 14 months to nurse him. The same rocking chair that we used to rock his brother and sister when they fit in the nook of our forearm and wouldn't sleep at random times of the night those first few challenging months, (with twins we were always trying to get at least one of them to sleeeeeeep and not keep the other up). I have slept in The Rocking Chair. Probably cried too :) I have stared at my babies while rocking them and just thought, this is it. I am complete. I have logged probably a weeks worth of time sitting in that chair. Good time, even when tired.

But, my babies don't need me to rock them anymore. In fact, they prefer to climb in it together and rock themselves these days :) It's more like a gym apparatus to them rather than a spot for peace and rest. Thus, time to move it out of Mason's nursery and down into the living room where it can be enjoyed by all.

I'm quite excited, actually, to have this sweet little nook to spend my quite time in the morning before the kids wake up. The morning sun comes in from those front windows, so it will always be warm and inviting. I really love how the wood of the plant stand and the seat/back of the chair go so well together!

The Rocking Chair represents such a season of our life and it kind of breaks my heart to see it slipping away.

BUT, it is so much fun witnessing every new season of life of our kids. I enjoy keeping up with their ever unique personalities and quirks. I enjoyed tweaking Mason's room so that it could be a place that he enjoys. After only one day this way, even the twins are wanting to hang out in his room, instead of the other way around :)
 ~a better suited rocker for little bottoms~

 ~cow painting from their talented great-grandma~

 ~Momma's own piece that she repainted before Mason's birth~
 ~surface covered with a receiving blanket that goes with the colors of the room - helps to add some  boyish charm to a piece that is otherwise a little shabby chic girly~

 ~tissue paper poms were the first thing I did for this room when I was so excited about picking blue and orange for the nursery colors - I also crocheted his blanket, my third one :)~

 ~rustic, uneven gray stripes on the dresser, sketches that I drew of old wrestling pictures of Matt in high school~
~a room better suited for a curious little boy who is no longer a baby baby~

"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be"


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