
June 10, 2012

The past 6 years, to the day

~June 10, 2006~

This is the day 6 years ago that I married this guy, Matt. It was a good, good day. A day that the Lord blessed in the obvious ways, (good weather, everything ran smoothly, we had a blast, etc).

But, Matt's not just any guy. And our gracious Father has used our union to bless us far more than we could ever imagine, hope for or dream. But, let me start at the beginning.

We met in college when we were just babies:)
First thoughts: He is kind, selfless and has a huge heart. He has awesome friends who respect him so much. He's brilliantly funny. So handsome. He loves the Lord and desires to be know Him.

In October of our senior year at James Madison University he proposed on Skyline Drive in front of the rainbow of leaves on the trees and a beautiful sunset.

After our wedding we lived in Virginia Beach for several years where we truly had the blessing of time together. We got to explore a bit and enjoy the world together at our own, easy pace, (thanks to our families!)
 (London Eye in London)

(Brilliant Eiffel Tower glowing in Paris)

(Summer trip to Boston)

(Visiting my adventurous in-laws in Bogota, Colombia)

After a little while we got the news of our lives when we were expecting boy-girl twins!

It was a difficult pregnancy that was deemed high risk from the very beginning. At 28 weeks we moved several hours north to be closer to family. At 30 weeks I was admitted to the hospital for pre-term labor. I would remain there until the babies came. After he got off work, Matt came right over to spend every evening with me for 4 weeks. These hospital visits were our last times together before our family doubled in size.

Colin Joshua and Shire Grace came into our lives on October 29, 2009
~We love because He first loved us.~

Matt is the only one in the world who shares with me the exact joy....

....and exhaustion of parenting these two sweet things.

Just like that, we went from the two of us to the whole LOT of us. Our arms were stretched!

Or so we thought ;) When our babies were 8 months old, this happened:

Mason James was born on March 26, 2011. Matt was so cool and calm during the labor. I had been nervous about trying a vbac but Matt was so strong and confident that I forgot all about my fears! Praise Jesus!

(3 babies in 16 months and 27 days)

Yes, we have had a whirlwind of 6 years. Our marriage is still so young, but so much has happened! I am grateful for this man who has let me fly and be myself. I feel like I really 'bloomed' after marrying him.

We are who we are

I am grateful for this man who supports my dreams and wants to help me however he can to achieve them.

(Chelsea's Garage Opening February 11, 2012)

Without his support and encouragement these dreams would never turn into reality.

This is why God gave him such a big heart...and arms long enough to hold us all!

I love my life with him. Absolutely love it.

And I am so excited for the rest of our life together.

Happy Anniversary, Matt.

~Your Chelsea


  1. Gracious...I'm tearing up. A very beautiful tribute to Matt and the lives you've made together. Well done and, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

  2. I love this post and I love all the photos :) Congrats!
