
August 13, 2012


Well, it's safe to say I may have shed a tear or two during the closing ceremonies of the Olympics yesterday. What an incredible journey the last 2+ weeks have been for all who were either in London or tuned in from home. If it weren't for my children I may have never left the house in order to watch every minute! Feels like the time flew by and I didn't do a single thing around cleaning may be behind but I did do a thing or two.:)

First off, the Garage Games was such a success! A huge thank you to all who invited us for a peek into their home. I have definitely come out of the Garage Games with some fresh ideas and that itch for creativity. If you sent photos then you'll be entered into a drawing for a piece of jewelry! I'll contact you soon if/when your name is pulled.:)

Aside from tuning into the Olympics and putting together Garage Games posts, the past 2 weeks were not completely wasted.

I completed this custom order dresser. 

Made 5 loaves of banana bread

which were gobbled up by my 3 little birds.

Found THE tray. I've been looking for a little wooden tray with handles like this for a while. The price was right during a little trip last week to Home Goods.:)

And best of all, made a little spot to display our little ones' art.

Truthfully, I have seen way better/prettier looking ways of displaying children's art, but this seemed to be the most practical for us since we get about 10293473210298347 pieces of art a month and I needed a super easy way to change things out. I just did a zig-zag of twine and used paperclips to attach the papers to the twine. The 'CREATE' sign above is just a scrap piece of particle board that I painted in flat black paint, (which works like but is cheaper than chalkboard paint), and wrote the letters in chalk.

Being right around the corner from their toys, their little gallery is in a fun spot for the kiddos to admire.

Shire pointing out her own pieces.:)

Artist love.

There would be nothing spectacular to a stranger about our kids' art - it's typical 1 and 2 year old scribbles, (and dribbles on a few pieces!)....but I love showing them that it's spectacular to us and that we're proud of them!

That just about sums up the last couple weeks around here and in the Garage!

Thank you for reading!


My 'go-to' banana bread recipe is found here: 10 Minute Banana Bread - I like using a few extra bananas, between 3-4. Enjoy!

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