
August 12, 2012

Garage Games - Final Day

What an awesome past couple weeks it's been receiving your photos and reading such wonderful descriptions and explanations! Sharing ideas with one another has been so much fun and it's made me smile each time I've gotten a message from someone about wanting to try an idea they saw posted on here. That's what the Garage Games have been all about! If you were hoping to send something in and haven't had a chance to, you still have until the end of Sunday to submit. Tomorrow will be the very last Garage Games post, (if I get anything else in today). Tomorrow I'll have Shire girl pull out of a hat 14 names from all the folks who submitted photos. Each of the 14 people pulled will have a chance to pick out a piece of jewelry from this post. I'll contact you in the order that your names are pulled and let you know which items are left.

Winding down our Garage Games are two women who love to decorate with sentiments. It is so warming to walk into someones home and see things that mean something to them. These gals have hit the nail on the head with clever ways to display items that are as close to their hearts as they are lovely.

Our first set of photos comes from my dearest and oldest friend, K. It just so happens that we are related, (cousins), but we have always been friends first. As a newlywed, (going on 2 years - that's still kind of new, right?), a momma-to-be, and a whole country apart from her family, it's very important for her, (and her hubby), to have things around their home that reflect their love and family.

"We just moved to a bigger apartment-like-house this spring. While the extra space is wonderful with the coming expansion of our family, it's also been a little tough to figure out how to 'fill' so much empty space and bare walls. This is our hallway. I had a little table that used to be in our bedroom, but I moved it out here to be a little corner table. It has candles and paper flowers that we got from a wedding we attended. I had kept a bunch of our wedding memorabilia and was in Michael's one day when I got the idea to do a memory box. This holds Kevin's boutonniere, some lace from my dress and a handkerchief a friend made using all of Kevin's mom's sewing materials. I never got to meet my mother-in-law, so it was special to hold this handkerchief made of her materials around my bouquet on my wedding day. Last year, my family came out for Thanksgiving! We saved the wishbone and dried it out-but never used it. I got a cheap frame, hot glued some fabric on the back, took out the glass-and hung this. My husband and I now love this little hallway corner. When we walk down it, it reminds us of family and warm celebrations. It's amazing what a few little things will do to spruce up a bare space!" -KM

This whole display is so clever! Love the wishbone, even though all I can think about is what kind of big wish I'd make on that sucker! :)

Our closer for today is another dear friend...also whom I happen to be related to, (cousin in law). We share a lot of loves, one of which is for interesting looking things. If you like shopping slow, picking things up and inspecting them, she's your girl! Oh, the hours we could kill together! She is a much newer newlywed, (going on 3 months), and has done a superb job nesting in her new home with her hubby and displaying items that have meaning to both of them.

"This photo is of a wood sculpture that Giff and I bought on our honeymoon from a local artist in Oregon. It is made up of 4 types of wood with the main focus being a huge burl which we fell in love with when we saw them in the redwoods. The sculpture is placed on some favorite books of mine in a natural woven basket. One of the books was given to me by a dear friend from my hiking crew, The Glacier Bandits, and is of paintings of the Grand Canyon by a park ranger who lived there for 30 some years. The Grand Canyon was my first major overnight backpacking trip and was a milestone accomplishment in my life. The candle holder is from Crate and Barrel of a perforated metal to let soft light come through when I'm sitting in my favorite chair pictured in the ba"ck of the photo. The chair and ottoman are an original Milo Baughman from the 1960's that I picked up in a snowstorm in Weehawken across the river from NYC. It is rocks and lounges and is my favorite piece in this peaceful reading room completed only with a glass of good red wine!- JB
Everything you can see in this shot has meaning and I love each and every detail!...except the thought of red wine. White Zin or Riesling, please. No, I do not appreciate fine wine. JB does and she's going to try to turn me!! Help!

Amazing photos, my dears, and thank you so much for sending! You still have to the end of the day today, (Sunday), to get yours in and enter the drawing for a chance to win a piece of jewelry from my jewelry box clean out. Chop-chop, as they say in England, (right?) Enjoy the closing ceremonies! Hooray London Olympics 2012!

Thank you for stopping by!


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