
August 11, 2012

Garage Games - Handy Hubs

Happy weekend, all! These last summer weekends start becoming more and more precious at this point, don't they?! Squeezing in a few more bbq's, trips to the pool, chasing after the ice cream truck...good times.:)

I know this will be difficult to hear/read and you will be utterly depressed and question the meaning of life, but we are down to the final 2 days for the Garage Games. Sad, I know. ;) But, we still have today and tomorrow! If you would like to submit a photo, (or more), please don't hesitate; I'm still taking entries until Sunday evening - which means our last blog post about the Garage Games will be on Monday.

If you are new to my blog, WELCOME! Please see this post to find out what the heck the Garage Games are so you can participate and enjoy! Photos will be accepted until Sunday August 12, (closing ceremonies of the Olympics).

Today we get to 'ooh' and 'aaah' over the handiwork of a couple of our boys. I like to celebrate the partnership between couples in putting together a home. Some men have a stronger opinion than others when it comes to home decor and know how to add their own 'flavor' to the home, and others are equipped with the skills needed to carry out their partner's vision. For me personally, many of my favorite aspects of our home were things I envisioned, explained to Matt, and he worked them out beautifully.

Our first submission is of a gorgeous piece that this gal's husband built himself! Being a coffee table, it gets to be a central piece of the room - and what a beautiful piece it is!

"Here's a photo of our new coffee table that Matt recently built from red oak hardwoods and finished with a dark cherry stain." -JC
Wow - what a masterpiece!

Next up is very cool before and after that utilizes a unique piece of space in this couple's home. My brother and sister-in-law's, actually! My brother in law could easily send hundreds of photos of his handiwork, but this particular project has stuck out to me because of how specifically perfect it is for the space! Many of us have an 'odd' spot in our home. A nook or corner that is just...odd. Maybe it's not a 90 degree angle, maybe it's a curved wall, or perhaps it's just an area that seems hard to complete from a decorating standpoint. Even after you try a hundred different things you still feel unsure how to complete it. My brother and sister in law took an interesting little nook in their home and made it into a convenient and lovely little office area!

"In our home there is a small hallway area, and my wife and I decided it would be the perfect place for a built-in.  Before starting our built-in desk project, we had a tall cluttered bookshelf in the space.  After removing the bookshelf, we put up bead board to define the space.  Once the bead board was in, I hung the shelf for the desk and the shelves for inside the cabinet up above, and worked on the doors for it. Next I took the doors down and painted everything with a few coats of white paint before rehanging the cabinet doors.  The knobs I used on the doors, I had saved from my grandfather's china cabinet.  Now we have a space to use the computer that is out of the way, yet in the open."-CU


Now Bella can work from home!

A huge thank you to both couples who shared with us today! I love seeing building projects; very inspiring!

Have a fabulous weekend and don't forget to send your photos if you haven't! 1 more day, sniff sniff ;)

Thanks for reading!


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