
August 9, 2012

Garage Games - Make it work!

Hi there! Wow, I can't believe we're down to 3 days left of the Olympics! The past (almost) 2 weeks have flown by and it feels like they've just begun. I have so enjoyed our little Garage Games over the past couple weeks and will be sad when it's over! I might have to do this again soon, rather than waiting another 2 years for the next Olympics.:)

If you are new to my blog, WELCOME! Please see this post to find out what the heck the Garage Games are so you can participate and enjoy! Photos will be accepted until Sunday August 12, (closing ceremonies of the Olympics).

The photos I've posted so far for the Garage Games have been just. plain. awesome. Creative, inspiring, unique, sentimental...and today's photos are all of the above!

Our first photo is from a gal who probably could have sent a hundred more.:) She is wildly creative and talented and we both share a love for furniture refinishing.

"This was a dark stained desk and I used Annie Sloan's duck egg paint on it then waxed it with a combination of dark and clear wax.  Love it.  Definitely an upgrade to the Ikea model that was in my office :)" -T
A stunning desk like this would have me wanting to work overtime! Nicely done, T!

Our next photos are from a beautiful girl who's beautiful wedding I had the honor of attending during a historic blizzard a few years ago. While the conditions on their wedding day were not what they were expecting, this wonderful couple, (and their photographer), seized some amazing photo opps! When I saw her Garage Games photos I got so excited! She found a beautiful, out in the open way of displaying some of her favorite wedding and engagement photos!

"These are pictures of our bedroom and our makeshift headboard.  I wanted to actually get a real bed with a headboard and all when we moved into this apartment, but I couldn't find one that I liked AND was in our budget.  So we kept the free metal bed frame from the mattress store and I went to work arranging some of my favorite photos into a "headboard".  I LOVE photos and all of these photos are of our engagement and it's something that's no longer just a fill-in but something that I really like!" -CS

Wow. Are you looking at these pictures?! So dreamy....and it would have taken me to get these frames arranged 'just so'. It looks awesome, C!

These photos were so fun! Thank you girls VERY much for taking the time to send them!

Remember, 3 days left to get yours in! Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate and if you read the original post about the Garage Games, you know there are jewelry prizes involved :)

Thank you for popping in!


1 comment:

  1. CS - Will you do that for me? We don't have a bed frame either and I love your idea. Creative, romantic and personal:)
