
August 8, 2012

Garage Games - One of a Kind Decorating

Hello, hello! I hope you are having a wonderful week! I confess that I've been a bit lazy these past few days. There are projects in the garage that need my attention, (and very sweet clients who are waiting on them), but every single one, (8 pieces), happens to need the same color, (which I am almost out of), and this particular paint is a 45 min drive one way. Not a fun trip with 3 tots in toe. Friday. Friday is the day! I'll pack some fun snacks and we'll make an adventure out of it - maybe stop at a fresh produce stand for some peaches since I have promised my husband a peach pie this summer.:)

While I have been lazy, you have been snapping away! I've gotten a few more Garage Games submissions and continue to be impressed and inspired by your creativity! Today's submissions have nothing in common except that they are totally and completely unique. I love seeing rooms or pieces that you would never find anywhere else!

If you are new to my blog, WELCOME! Please see this post to find out what the heck the Garage Games are so you can participate and enjoy! Photos will be accepted until Sunday August 12, (closing ceremonies of the Olympics).

The first set of photos come from a woman after my own heart; a mother of boy-girl twins.:) I empathize with her desire to create a fun and unique room for her little ones which isn't layered in typical neutral colors. When you know you're having a baby boy or baby girl, it's fun to create a nursery according to that gender. But, what do you do if you have both genders in the same room, (even opposite gender siblings who aren't twins)? J.A. has a fantastic idea that just looks so cool and states the obvious: this room is occupied by a boy AND a girl!

"These are pictures of the twins' room. I agonized for ages about what color to paint their room as they will be sharing it for a while and all of their bedding is pink and blue. I didn't want to have to redecorate anything to go with a new paint scheme.  All the suggestions I got were yellows, greens, and oranges. Finally, someone suggested grey which seemed like a good idea but...boring.  I came across a blog that suggested painting horizontal stripes randomly around a kid's room to give it some pizzaz. That was the answer!  We decided on hot pink and navy blue. I feel like it was just enough to make it interesting - and we only had to buy paint samples - not whole cans to do the stripes so it felt economical. I was even able to use the leftover sample paint on the "A" and "S" letters that we hung on their closet. I think it ties it together nicely."
 Sweet Annabelle is wide awake and ready to go! Stephen is still in the adorable sleeping crouch - my favorite baby sleep position.:)
Annabelle, probably revving her engine at this point, hehe
Annnnnd, Stephen. Up, but not really. Love these photos!

Our next photo is an encore presentation, (which is totally allowed since I make the rules), from my Mom in law! Catch her first set of photos here!

"This is a piece we designed and had made for us while in Bogota.  The decorative tile is also a
part of our backsplash in our kitchen.  Behind the glass of the top drawer on the left are coffee beans.The most difficult part was trying to explain what we wanted in Spanish! The irreplaceable pottery pieces were made with love by our grandchildren with a little help from their parents. The large fish, created on Tybee Island, GA.,  and the handcrafted alligator were from very special people."

Could you imagine designing your own piece of furniture? How fun! This is absolutely stunning!

Thank you J.A. and D for such creative and one of a kind photos!

4 days left to submit your Garage Games photos! You never know who you'll inspire - I've received dozens of messages from folks who are already planning to use some of the ideas they've seen posted here over the past week and a half! Love it!!!

Thank you for stopping by!


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