
August 6, 2012

Garage Game's - The designer within!

What an awesome weekend we had! Spent lots of time at the pool, played with family, friends and of course, watched the Olympics! The garage was busy, too; Got one custom order finished and photographed on Friday, another dropped off on Saturday, and two more coming in today. I've also got some crazy fun personal projects to work on as we are so close to moving Shire into Mason's bedroom and setting the boys up together in one room. Add to that our front landscaping which we are in the midst of completely redoing, and our kitchen cabinets which I am toeing the line, ready to start painting. This sounds like a lot, but we are pretty good at pacing ourselves. We tend to chip away at things around here rather than hit them headstrong all at once, (for the most part)! I'll be updating the Portfolio Album, (on the left), with photos of recent pieces as they are finished, so be sure to check that out!

We had two submissions for the Garage Games over the weekend from a couple of clever and talented ladies who would probably tell you they are neither clever nor talented, (oh humility can be such a double edge sword!). But, their photos and descriptions beg to differ!

If you are new to my blog, WELCOME! Please see this post to find out what the heck the Garage Games are so you can participate and enjoy! Photos will be accepted until Sunday August 12, (closing ceremonies of the Olympics).

Our first photos today are from one of my all time favorite people; my sister. She is a recent college grad and in that wildly unpopular transitional stage of life as she looks for jobs. She hasn't had the opportunity to decorate a place of her own yet, but wherever she has lived, she's always had a killer bed. Even her dorm bedding was fresh and fun, just like her. Some of my favorite memories are just lying on my sister's bed chatting, laughing, and getting a back rub ;)

"I love my bedspread! I chose it when I was in high school and moving into my older sister's (Chelsea's) bedroom. I was getting really into the color green at the time, because of its subdued and peaceful nature.  I saw this in a magazine and knew it was perfect! I have so many options with it because of the different colors and patterns. My wise Mama paired it with the small green and pink plaid pillows, which I've learned don't MATCH, but GO. I've had it for five years on my bed at home and still love the beautiful designs. I think that as it gets worn and torn after several more years, I'll like it even more!" -C

Just looking at these makes me want to snuggle up for a nap on her bed.:)

Our second guest today is a friend from our life BC - Before Children. That feels like another lifetime ago! I'll tell you what, keeping in touch with friends who knew us before we were parents just warms my heart. People who knew me as me before I became a Mom are so special. This friend, in particular, was an encouragement to me BC, and after. She is dear and I wish we lived closer! Her photos will strike a cord with anyone who has young kiddos, (or maybe a kid-at-heart). :)

"I recovered my kitchen chairs with this awesome fabric. I had a white based covering on before but it quickly got gross.  So, this time I bought some plastic to cover the chairs as well.  So glad I did that! Literally within 48 hours one of the girls spilled.  They thought they were in big trouble! But the plastic did its job and protected the chair.  It is amazing what new fabric and a staple gun can do!" -L

Notes on type of plastic, from L: "I just got the middle weight of plastic tablecloth at the fabric store.  I felt each of the different weights and picked  the one I thought would work and be easy to work with."

Brilliant, L! Now she can have the fresh, colorful and fun fabric that she wants on her chairs, and let her kids be kids. A win-win situation for all parties!

Thank you very much to these amazing women who shared their beautiful, (and handy), work with us today. You guys are awesome!

If you're thinking about what you want to submit, don't wait too long! We've got less than a week to go for Garage Games submissions. I am SO excited to see what is sent in over these last several days!

Thank you for stopping by!


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