
May 9, 2013

Back to what I love

What a week it's been, guys! After the sale last week I've been drowning in a sea of inquiries about the pieces remaining. I have every available piece posted on Craigslist, Etsy, and here on the blog. After trying my best to answer around 70 emails between Monday and Tuesday, I decided to close my computer on Wednesday and treat myself to some paint therapy.

Sweet French country accent table - so much storage!

 Everything changed. All my anxiety about responding to the magnitude of emails. My frustration about what didn't sell. My discouragement. It all got swept away, brush stroke, by brush stroke. That's love, guys.:)

This piece may be available for sale if it doesn't fit my sister's new place. 
Will let you know early next week!

My first and foremost day, (and night), job is being the best Momma I can possibly be to our three little ones. And that doesn't leave a whole lot of extra time! (And I still fall short of what my kids deserve every day - so grateful for Jesus' generous grace and my children's forgiving hearts). So, when I do have open time, (when the kids are napping), I prefer to use that part of my day to paint rather than work on business related matters. But, the truth is - that isn't reality. My beloved pieces won't sell themselves, at least not literally. This line of work needs to be a balance of business and creativity. And since I am the only person running this business, I have to work just as hard at selling my pieces as creating them. Selling is hard. It's time consuming. It can be discouraging. But, as a wise gal who also does this line of work recently reminded me, you gotta have faith. I'm currently harboring 9 amazing pieces in our garage until the right people come along to claim them, one by one. I have faith that this will happen. Maybe not this week, maybe not next week, but I have faith that they will sell. They always do at some point in time. I will continue advertising my pieces, responding to inquiries and setting appointments, but there will be no more worrying about it. It's too heavy a load for me to bear and I don't need that. Who does?! In the mean time, I've got some projects lined up for our own home that excite me beyond measure. What's new? :)

"Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not yet seen" Hebrews 11:1

I try to be pretty open and honest about my business, (for better or worse), and myself. So far I've received nothing but support and encouragement and for that I am so grateful. 

And thanks to you for reading!


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