
May 10, 2013

For my doubting husband: Decorating with antlers

So, a few weekends ago my husband, Matt, and I spent a beautifulperfectwonderful weekend away in Harpers Ferry, WV. We had perfect weather, a beautiful place to stay, (the Anglers Inn B&B), hiked the Appalachian Trail to a breathtaking overlook, played Yahtzee, and spent time being lazy and enjoying each other's uninterrupted company.
Our reward after a good climb: the Maryland Heights cliff overlooks the quaint town of Harper's Ferry.

When one of our afternoons slowed down and we had already taken a little nap on the porch swing, we ventured over to the Pickers Paradise flea market. Since we arrived near closing time there wasn't much left.

Then I found antlers. Could. Not. Contain my excitement.

Matt couldn't contain his disbelief that I would want antlers.

So around and around we went. I couldn't make him picture how they could look in our home. And for all of his amazing gifts and talents, seeing potential in certain objects isn't a particular strong suite of his. Sorry, love, but you know it's not.:) After I bargained the price of my antlers from $10 to $7, I won him over. Well, won might be a strong word. He still wasn't thrilled. But he (halfheartedly) agreed to take a picture of me with my prize.

Meet my 8-point buck for less than 8 bucks

So, I am still working on bringing my antlers up to par with the decor in our home. In the mean time, I thought I would share some inspiring photos of how others have accented their homes with antlers. I like these pictures because the spaces are not overly rustic or even remotely themed around hunting and game. Yet, the antlers work. They're architectural and interesting.

Sally Wheat Interiors


 Angie Helm Interiors



 In the Fun Lane

 Pink Wallpaper


Not into the real thing? :)
Eye for Design

So, what do YOU think about antlers? Decorating-do or decorating-don't, (all opinions are welcome)?
More importantly, what do you think, Matt? :)

I'll be sure to show you how we, (I), fit the antlers into our home as soon as they're done!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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