
June 12, 2013

Budding artist

~All pieces available for sale can be found here~

This happened the other day. Oh, my heart.
I found the chair at a yard sale and scooped it up for my daughter, Shire, to paint. She has grown very curious about what I do in the garage and has her own little opinions about each piece once it's finished. I thought she'd love trying her hand at refinishing. When I showed her the chair she just couldn't wait to get started and picked the color herself, (Antibes Green by Annie Sloan chalk paint)

Interesting work ethic from this generation; Shire kept taking breaks to go run through the sprinkler with her brothers. She went back and forth, painting here then sprinkler there, for about an hour straight.

Oopsy daisy...

She sure has her own unique technique!

Job finished and so proud.

Posing with/enjoying her first piece :)

Shire has decided she wants to sell her chair rather than keep it so she can take Daddy out on a date. 
So, this piece is available for sale. Price $25
**I evened out some of the thick spots and smoothed the finish with a medium sanding sponge. Piece is lightly distressed.

**Update - since this post Shire's Pops, (my Dad), called to buy Shire's chair. No longer available :)

Thank you for reading!



  1. Chelsea, this is the cutest thing I have ever seen!
    I love that you did this for her.
    Great job Shire!

  2. I love that you are willing to let her create like this! it's not exactly "cheap" crafting - but you still let her run with it. I hope I'm like this with my kids one day!
