
June 11, 2013

Lucketts find No. 3

Several weeks ago I ventured out to the Lucketts Spring Market and came home with a car full! I posted finds No. 1 and No. 2 as I got them fixed up and brought inside. It's been a few weeks, but find No. 3 had to wait for a complete room transformation before I could bring it in. :)

Find No. 3 is the double blue shelf set that I bought specifically for our boys' room.

And here is the room that just got a complete makeover. 

This is almost 4 years ago when our twins were not even 1yr.

It's been without cribs for a while now, but Mason was sleeping on a crib mattress on the floor and the whole Dr. Seuss theme just didn't feel as fitting anymore. It was super fun when our babies were babies. But it's been time for something a little closer to my sons' interests. 

I wanted to keep it very simple but boyish. Bedding in a similar color palette but different prints, a soft neutral color on the walls, and paper airplanes. Lots of them.

(I totally used online tutorials to make these airplanes...not my forte. Matt thinks some of them look like Star Wars aircraft, so that's cool...I guess)

I tried a few layouts but this one seemed to work the best, which meant separating the blue shelves I had found at Lucketts. No biggie, I like them at the ends of each bed.

I saw this verse in a downloadable pdf on Etsy and immediately wanted to replicate something similar for our boys. It's 1 Corinthians 16:13. 

Mason's bed in a grey and white plaid

Colin's bed in a grey and white stripe. Both beds have the red pearl knit blanket - all bedding is from Target.

A few fun gifts: a Marine Aviation poster my Dad, (Pops), got for the kids about a year ago, and airplane knobs on the closet that a friend passed along from her sons' old room.

The road rug was a gift from my sister - found at Ikea!

These bunk beds were my husbands and sister-in-law's when they were young. Love passed down pieces like these, and especially love watching the boys climb up the ladders into their beds every night, (they're 3.5 and 2 so we're not ready to bunk em' yet)

The curtain was another fun project that took all of 10 minutes. I just used the blackout curtain liners, laid them flat on the floor, measured and blue-taped off my lines, and painted the stripes in Country Grey by Annie Sloan chalk paint, (more of a nice deep khaki than a grey)

Simple, boyish and an easy room to transition around, (decoratively),  as they get older. By far the most minimalist room in our home, and now one of my favorites! The paper airplanes give just the right snap of color to keep the room youthful and interesting. Love it. And the little guys have been sleeping in the past three days since this room was finished! Success!

Item list:
*Wall color - Marilyn's Dress by Benjamin Moore, (not a very masculine name, but it IS one of my favorite wall colors; grey with a very subtle blue. It's in our bedroom too!)
*All bedding - Target
*Curtains -, (painted the stripes myself using Country Grey by Annie Sloan chalk paint)
*Road rug - Ikea
*Blue shelves - Lucketts
*White stool under windows - Target
*Verse on canvas - done myself but inspired by an Etsy piece
*Paper airplanes - done myself with plain ol' construction paper, fishing line, and nail heads.

~All Chelsea's Garage pieces available for sale can be found here~


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