August 2, 2013

Subtle stripes: An accent table transformation!

Hey there!

I had a little fun the other day with an accent table that I've had since college...

A few heavy coats of Old White by Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, some very soft grey stripes, plus a lot of sanding later, and my old college pal is fresh and sweet as can be:

This piece is perhaps too fresh and too sweet for an already light and airy room coated in whites and creams. It may be soon time to part ways this one if I come across the right replacement. Nevertheless, it was fun to play with!

Life Happening:
Typically on a Friday I like to include some highlighted pictures from our week, completely for my sake so I can look back on my favorite photos and moments with my family. However, I don't think I whipped my camera out for anything this week, (except before and afters of furniture). It's not that I didn't have any sweet moments with the little's just that they were squeezed very tightly on either side by very tough moments. I have two 3yr olds and a 2yr old. This stage is a mixed bag of emotions for us. Anyone who has raised a toddler knows just how emotional it can be! One minute I am consumed in a moment of discipline, and then the other I am melted by two little arms wrapped around my shoulders and a pair of little pink lips whispering, "I love you, Momma". I think I'll have earned myself a degree in psychology after all is said and done! When you've got more than one kid, you try to be the best parent you can be to each individual. And as individuals go, our kids need different things from us at different times. And in this particular stage, I feel like each kid needs my undivided attention 95% of the time, which, obviously, is impossible.

We don't read parenting books, for no important reason. I am certain that with every little struggle we come across with each kid, there is a chapter somewhere in some book that we could read for advice. When I find myself tired and incompetent of the task of raising my children in the precise way for how they are each 'wired', I turn to the One who created them and gave them to us. The Lord gave Matt and me a big job. A job that is much bigger than us. Over the last 3 years as parents He has sustained us, guided our parental decisions, and replenished our strength and energy to no end. 

Today I came across this verse that was just the boost of courage I've needed lately:

"She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the days to come."
Proverbs 31:25

For all my hardworking  girlfriends, readers, and family, that verse is for you today and I hope it gives you a dose of courage as well. Laugh on!

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!


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